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Put your furry friend’s nose to work at the Nasenarbeit parcours!
Nasenarbeit has a treat for all visitors’ dogs at the International Dog Show – a special sniffing parcours! If you want to challenge your dog’s sense of smell, make sure to stop by and discover this fun activity.
« Spürnasenarbeit » operates as a conservation-focused training center for sniffer dogs. Our programs involve teaching pet dogs to locate endangered species such as bats affected by wind turbines, wolves, truffles, and invasive plants or animals like raccoon dogs and skunk cabbage. Our expertise also extends to identifying nuisances like bark beetles on spruce trees, bed bugs, and tree fungi. We warmly welcome clients with an open mindset in these domains, fostering a mutually beneficial dynamic. Dogs engage in natural, fulfilling tasks, owners enjoy valuable bonding moments, clients find effective solutions, all while contributing to vital conservation efforts.

Looking to become a canicrosser?
Canicross is a sport that combines running and teamwork between a human and a dog. Originating in sled sports, this activity can be practised on different types of terrain, whether in the forest, on footpaths or even in town. The principle is simple: the runner is linked to his dog by an elastic lead attached to a belt, while the dog wears a specially adapted harness.
The aim of canicross is to move forward together, the dog helping the runner with its traction, while remaining under the control of and attentive to its owner. This activity requires a good level of physical fitness on the part of the human, as well as a well-trained and obedient dog. Canicross is accessible to many breeds of dog, provided they are healthy, energetic and enjoy running.
Learn more about the discipline at the dedicated stand!
Watch assistance dogs in action
Assistance dogs are invaluable companions for individuals with disabilities and special needs. Through specialized training by associations such as the Amicale vun der Schoul fir Assistenzhonn asbl, these dogs perform essential tasks such as guiding individuals with visual impairments, alerting those with hearing impairments, and providing stability or retrieving items for those with mobility issues.
Beyond their practical assistance, assistance dogs also offer comfort and companionship. These dogs not only improve the daily lives of their handlers but also contribute to their overall well-being and integration into society.

Ever dreamed of talking to your pet?
With a degree in agronomy, Sarah Klose has transformed her love for animals and nature into a daily practice involving animal communication, energy care, and naturopathy.
She offers animal communication courses in person and also develops online courses. Sarah emphasizes the importance of fostering harmony between humans and animals, addressing issues such as blocked emotions, traumas, and challenging relationships. She notes that by tending to the needs of humans, animals often experience healing as well, highlighting their remarkable awareness and clarity. Want to learn how to communicate better with your pet? Then visit her expert talk at the International Dog Shows!
Learn how to pamper your pooch with PhysioMobility
If you’re a pet owner in Luxembourg, you’ll be delighted to hear about PhysioMobility. Alexa is a canine manual physiotherapist, specialized in fasciatherapy, and posturology for sporting dogs, offering top-notch services to help your furry friends lead healthy and active lives. She does home and club visits and works in collaborations with veterinarians. Visit her booth at the International Dog Show to ask questions and get advice on your pet’s well-being. What’s more, she is organizing workshops on how to relax your dog through massage and hosting topical conferences on the importance of physio for dogs. Book your appointment at reduced prices with Alexa today on her website.

Watch our junior handlers demonstrate their skills
Junior handling is the presentation of dogs by young handlers. At our shows, there are three age classes: under 9 years old, 9 to 12 years old, and 13 to 17 years old. Unlike traditional dog shows, where the emphasis is on the dog’s qualities, junior handling focuses on the handler’s ability to present the dog effectively. Judges evaluate the young handlers on their techniques, including how well they manage the dog, their control over its movements, and their overall presentation style.

Create lasting memories of your furry friend!
We are thrilled to announce that the Belgian dog photographer Christof Cools will be joining us at the International Dog Shows.
Christof is known to skillfully bring out the beauty and unique personality of each of his furry clients through his photography. Whether you want to capture a special moment with your furry friend or just get a professional portrait done, Christof will adapt his services according to your needs.
And here’s the best part – at the International Dog Shows you’ll benefit from special prices!
Create lasting memories of your furry friend to cherish forever!
We’re thrilled to announce that dog photographer Max Kremer will be joining us at the International Dog Show once again!
Kremer is a master at capturing the beauty and personality of each furry client. Whether you’re looking to capture a special moment with your beloved pet, or simply want a professional photograph of your furry friend, Max is the perfect choice.
And here’s the best part – at the International Dog Show, you’ll be able to get your hands on professional photographs of your dog at reduced prices!